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Auction Time: April 26, 2024 / 06:11 AM PDT
Auction 23823
05 PHNX 1891 BB C ***GFL Ikon and CBS lines***
Auction #23823




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Currently: $150.00   First bid: $150.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $1.00
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Seller (rating): zwarte34 (7)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 05/12/2008 / 12:53 PM PDT  
Auction End: 05/18/2008 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $45.00


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***Van Rhijn-Kloeck*** Ganus Family Loft and Continental Breeding Station lines

05 PHNX 1891 Blue Bar Cock - Proven breeder! Very sharp looking pigeon, handles very nice, medium build, long tight wing and nice yellow/green eye. This cock was on loan for two years to our friend in New Mexico. He decided to get out of the sport and gave back all the borrowed birds we gave him. Most of the birds bred him diploma winners, including this cock. The birds that didnt breed good racers, were given away or culled. SIRE: 04 DWI 0906 BB C - Bred by George Scott. Inbred to Ganus Family Lofts famous "Ikon". The sire to 0906 is: 96 NL 9638335 full brother to "Ikon". The dam to 0906 is: 98 GFL 62 a direct daughter of "Ikon" when mated to a full sister to the sire of "Ikon". DAM: 96 CBS 1104 Blue Splash H - Bred by Continental Breeding Station. This hen was one of our top Kloeck breeder hens. She is a direct daughter of "Jonge Piraat" an excellent racer and breeder for CBS. The dam of 1104 is: 93 Belg 6253088 import from Jan Kloeck of Belg. One of the best Kloeck hens Rick Mardis imported from Jan Kloeck. She is inbred to "Whisky" one of Jan Kloecks best breeders. 05 PHNX 1891 will come with a full pedigree. The Van Rhijn-Kloeck loft is one of the most legendary lofts in the history of the sport! although not well known here in the U.S.A., but is one of the best known and feared lofts in Europe. For many years Mr. Kloeck was the undisputed champion of the Antwerp union. Even today, he is a top flyer. Mr. Kloeck was king of the Antwerp union 13 times 11 times in a row 1st vs 1500 members! The Van Rhijn-Kloeck pigeons are the origin of the well known Van-Loons, Leen-Boers and Hofkens. This Horemans based family virtually untouched for generations. The Kloeck loft has never been a pigeon factory, housing 12 pair of stock birds. The size of his loft has limited the number of pigeons he sells, but never limited the quality. The Van Rhijn-Kloeck pigeons are true racing athletes! Ganus Family Lofts famous "Godfather and "Ikon" are of the Van Rhijn-Kloeck family! Oak Haven Farms famous "Licthe Orleans" is of the Van Rhijn-Kloeck family and was also a 1/2 brother to the "Godfather"! We are currently reducing our breeders and stock birds. We have moved and there are no pigeon clubs near us. We will only be sending ybs out to a few select money races this year. Thank you for looking and good luck!

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