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Auction Time: April 24, 2024 / 01:00 PM PDT
Auction 52246
36256 - inbred son of 2x 1st 531M MW CLASSIC
Auction #52246




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Currently: $150.00   First bid: $150.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $25.00
    # of Bids: 0
Seller (rating): Bimini (11)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 03/05/2015 / 11:29 AM PDT  
Auction End: 03/08/2015 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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Black Check Cock … 36256/13 AU AA ... Inbred son of 2x 1st 531M MW CLASSIC <p>

Here’s an inbred son of David Torkildson’s “best flyer and breeder I’ve owned.”

The dam of this cock was a twice 1st 531M (1st 500M Section Minnesota) in the Midwest Classic for David Torkildson, who lived in the Fargo, ND area. She was a day bird in 2004, then won 1st again in 2006. She was also a high-placing day bird in 2005. When David’s club broke up in 2011, he also decided to retire from pigeons and spend his winters in Arizona. So he sold all his best birds to a friend of mine, who passed away six months later. These great Torkildson pigeons came to me and have been bred on a limited basis. Living in Duluth, MN (with no local club), I have done private training and testing, as well as one-loft races (on a very small scale).

The 36256 cock is small, but has good strength and beautiful feather. He has a pearl eye. I mated the dam (3136/03 … BLACK STAR, herself a small pigeon) to my foundation $10,000 cock in 2012. I took the best son from that mating and put him back to 3136 in 2013. I have a full brother and sister of 36256 in my breeding loft in 2015. As a side note, for those who value the importance of longevity, it appears that 3136 will still be fertile this year at 12 years of age.

The 36356 and his sire 14926 were produced in an individual breeding pen (like all my racing pigeons since 1983). In fact, wherever you see a DDK on my pedigrees, that means the bird was produced by me in an individual pen. Especially if you want to linebreed, why would you buy a bird bred in a community loft? In tests in my own feeder lofts 20 years ago, I had at least 50 percent illegitimacy that I could document. That’s because male pigeons spend all day, every day trying to breed with any hen they can. Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn’t watched their own community loft “orgy.”

Some people complain that real performance pigeons never come up on this auction. Well, stop complaining and buy this cock. As an inbred, he will probably work great on any quality hen you have. It’s not too late to breed YBs for the 2015 team.

For further information, you can call David Kowalski at 218-491-3345 or email Please leave a message and I will call you back.

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