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Auction Time: April 18, 2024 / 07:28 AM PDT
Auction 59873
Auction #59873
McConnell lofts




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Currently: $175.00   First bid: $100.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $25.00
    # of Bids: 2
Seller (rating): LPMC (0)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 12/30/2016 / 10:46 AM PDT  
Auction End: 01/15/2017 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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After 66 years of continuously racing my homing pigeons we have sold our “Pigeon Paradise” property in Spring Hill, Fl., and will be moving to the 55 and over community of Wellington at Seven Hills. Due to their narrow minded attitude about keeping racing pigeons on your property, I will no longer have a loft for the first time since I was 5 years old. The new owner Allan Meachem, a very nice young man, will fly old birds in partnership with me. After that he will be flying his own young birds, but says he will provide a chair for the “former owner” to visit.


Over the next weeks and months I will be auctioning and/or selling various groups of my pigeons. I am starting by putting my remaining 10 Leen Boers breeders on Randy Goodpasture’s Pigeon Auction website. All 10 show the original imports in their 4 generation pedigree. Keep in mind my last original imports were in 1987. As there are still many men who are still successfully racing Boers birds that I have sold them over the years; and this is an opportunity  to bring back the old original bloodlines.



These birds blended with our other stock birds and are responsible for our successes flying here in the GHC Club in Spring Hill Florida since 2000. In 2015 we were on the first page of the GHC race sheet in 9 of 10 races and missed the one race by 4 seconds and one place and was 53rd. The front page lists the first 52 birds of around 2000 birds. It is considered good if you can place on the front sheet in any race.We ended up 3rd overall GHC average speed 1st average speeed South section, 8th overall high point loft and 1st High Point Loft in the south section. High point birds 16th, 30th, 43rd and 50th overall,8th,15th,21st,25th and 26th in the south section.



Keep in mind the South section won only one race overall in this series. In the Srint Series: 6th overall average speed, 1st Average speed South Section.19th Point loft overall loft, 3rd point loft in the South section. In the 2015 old bird races one of our hens won the GHC 400 mile race, clocked in both the 500 and 600 mile races. Ayearling sister was also clocked in the 600. I have been succesfully flying my Leen Boers pigeons since 1983. They have won for many people all over the US. I receive calls from many former buyers telling of their success with our Boers pigeons. Over the years my Boers breeders have become somewhat line bred and have crossed well with other strains. This young bird season one of my best young birds was a Boers hen crossed on a Vandenabeele cock and was our 1st bird on a 250 mile race and 2nd on both 200 mile races.



If you have been successfully racing with the Boers pigeons,  any of these breeders will bring back the old original bloddlines, or cross with your own successful racers.




Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
Beastwarriorfromhell $150.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 01/13/2017 04:49 AM

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