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Auction Time: April 23, 2024 / 05:36 AM PDT
Auction 62306
Auction #62306




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Currently: $25,005.00   First bid: $25,000.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $5.00
    # of Bids: 1
Seller (rating): Laura (9)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 10/05/2017 / 11:30 PM PDT  
Auction End: 11/15/2017 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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Announcement... adl auction..
Starting 10/9 with bids this first week starting at $1.00----- why $1.00----- we believe the market should set the value prices ( very risky for us, probably why most do not do this).....
1.Ulrich lemmens birds
2. The " Harry family"
3. Super 72 van loons

We can not keep them all many are directly from our stock loft...
Starting 10/9 and weekly
$1.00 starting bids the first week.

this is a chance to add a key bird to your breeding loft...

Good luck to you all...

Auction starts 10/917
Pigeon auctions . Com



ADL and Ulrich Lemmens Exclusive Offer

Sterling, Illinois, October 5, 2017 – America’s Dream Loft (ADL), known for the past three decades as one America’s premier breeding studs of quality pigeons, is pleased to announce that ADL has obtained the exclusive rights to sell Ulrich Lemmens; 2014 1st National Champion Grand Middle Distance KBDB Old Birds, in North America for the next three years.

Ulrich Lemmens on signing the exclusive deal with ADL - “It all has gone fast for me in the US; my reputation has grown so fast that it has been hard to keep up. With Jim Gabler already owning most of my best breeders it felt right to make this deal. ADL has a better foundation of birds than I own myself. It makes sense, Jim owns my national winner Jozefien, my KBDB winning team and so much more. On top of that we recently agreed on the transfer of “Olympic Gust”, “Derek Jeter”, “Gust’s Secret” and the only daughter of “William” ever sold and a few other unique birds of my loft. I admire Jim’s addiction on always trying to improve. I can feel we are on the right track, his recent selection of birds, the new breeding lofts (with individual boxes) all ingredients are there to write some history.”

Jim Gabler – “When I first met Ulrich Lemmens, I knew he was special and I was impressed with his ambition, passion, and talent for breeding and racing world class pigeons.  After meeting him and knowing there were just a few of his birds in the USA already making a big impact, it became clear that I had to bring the Lemmens pigeons to America Dream Lofts.  I’m proud to have been able to do something never done before in America and this exclusive deal with Lemmens is the best group of birds I have ever acquired.”
Ulrich Lemmens is the 2014 middle Distance of all Belgium, his winning Race team now calls home in USA. At “America’s dream loft…along with 18 direct children of his world famous foundation stud “degust”. We also added 14 direct children from ” Bettini” who is sire to 2012 young bird champion of Belgium and grand sire to Don Reidel’s double Winner ( two consecutive years) “sign”, winner Hoosier Classic…

NL 07-2007621

1st Nat. Acebird Long Distance WHZB 2009
1st NPO Blois – 5,553 birds fastest 37,728 p.
1st NPO Chateauroux – 5,979 birds fastest 22,340 p.

The Hooymans are founded around Gerald Koopman’s Kleine Dirk and Gaby Vandenabeele’s Bliksem Bloodlines combining speed for the fast races and endurance for the longer races, a true all around family of pigeons perfect for one loft races

Super 72’s

AU ADL 1172-08
‘Super 72’ is one of America’s Dream Loft’s top breeding cocks! – only a few direct children have ever left ADL, and those have founded lofts. ‘Super 72’s’ children and grandchildren are prepotent, just ask John Canto who scored big time in the money in South Africa.


“Super 72” has bred generations of winners


For more information about Ulrich Lemmens pigeons at ADL, please visit our website: 


Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
richard franko $25,000.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 11/07/2017 10:27 AM

Bid on this item

This auction is closed. No additional bids are permitted.