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Auction Time: April 25, 2024 / 09:01 AM PDT
Auction 62320
PAIR #1 Quality Pair with Excellent Lineage and COLORS!!
Auction #62320




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Currently: $200.00   First bid: $200.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 0
Seller (rating): BFLofts (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 10/08/2017 / 08:08 PM PDT  
Auction End: 10/15/2017 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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Quality Pair / Both birds were never bred , but with amazing backgrounds!!!

 Up for bid is a pair of excellent colored birds that has an amazing backgorounds They are BROTHER And SISTER on the FATHER side!!!

COCK : IF 2016 0014 VPC (SILVER)

** This bird has been trained out to 100 miles and belongs to the "Night Flyer" birds that I have trained like TIPPLERS!!, he had been tossed recenlty 10/6/17 at 6:30pm at 50 miles! He was home with 5 more birds! in 1:20 min!

SIRE: HIP 2009/397

"inbred Surebet", Bred me a 1st Place in GHC Auction Race in Springhill FL

DAM : IF 2014 VPCA 3409  -

No Pedigree /She was acquired in a futurity auction and I flew her 2x at 350m and stocked. She produces RED And SILVERS. Only info I got is that she was bred by a guy with a last name "KNIGHT" with black Clausing Houbens. "3409" was 28th vs 119 b on a 10mph NORTHEASTER tough headwind!


HEN : IF 2014 CLASSIC 1156 (SPL)

* Flew the CT Classic Race in 2014. I know that she will not win , but sent her anyways. She was hit by something on a 50 mile toss 4 days prior to the race and came in with 2 flights missing on her left wing and few tails missing. She flew that race from BUFFALO,NY , and came back at 7am the following day.

And now what a SPECIAL bird!, she is the team leader of my "night flyers". I started playing with this bird since she got out of the loft at night, flew up, circled 3x and landed in the roof. I turned on all the lights and she trapped! and everything is all history. She has recruited 6 birds in total ( includinh her brother )and has a record of 50 miles dark flying. Her DAM was a bird I acquired in 2010 from the Mercedes Classic  (AU 2010 SYR 119), excellent flyer , and was bought by RICK NANEZ from me a few years back.

SIRE : HIP 2009/ 397

* "Inbred Surebet", Bred me the 1st place Winner in GHC Auction Race

DAM : AU 2010 SYR 119 ( see pic inserted) /no pedigree

* Flew the Mercedes Classic, 20th at 150M , 84th OA Average Speed. Her Loft mate AU 2010 SYR 117 placed 3rd OA     Ace Bird in that same race series.

* Bird was bought and OWNED by Rick Nanez now and apparently was related to "DUTCH CLASS" when I spoke to him then.


This is a BROTHER and SISTER Pair, both birds has never been bred or paired together. COLORS with amazing background. They will come with limited pedigrees. If they dont sell , I will finally breed of them for next year. Both biirds has an amazing HEARTS- willing to home NO MATTER what !!


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