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Auction Time: April 19, 2024 / 11:53 PM PDT
Auction 62860
4 BIRD Breeding Kit !!!VIESHIAN High Flyers!!! ORIGINAL birds the SET the Record at 2737 Feet!!!
Auction #62860




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Currently: $310.00   First bid: $150.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 2
Seller (rating): BFLofts (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 11/13/2017 / 12:18 PM PDT  
Auction End: 11/15/2017 / 08:10 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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VIESHIAN Highflying Pigeons!!!! New Breed!!! Rare Highflying Pigeons!!!!!


Up for bid are (4) Bird !!! ( 2 guaranteed PAIR )  . This is the first time I'm offering BREEDERS  after I aquired birds from ALBERT WELLS . THIS ACTUAL 2016 BIRDS  are the ones that flew the record setting 2737feet!!! ( Proven by using an ALTIMETER )

I am flying this birds now ( 20 bird kit ) and had been enjoying how they "pin out". This is the term used when they fly almost out of site and naked eye. I had 6 COOPER and 3 Falcon attack so far!!, and my birds had been up to each challenge. For those guys who were on the service , its like an amazing "dog fight", but this time with F-16 and F-22's. Amazing show of speed and evasiveness!!

I am the ONLY one who is flying this in CT, and this breed is rare and not available in the mainstream!! This birds can be flown all year , even on winter time! When everybody locks their racing pigeons up!, you will keep on flying this birds the whole winter. THEY LOVE the COLD Weather!!

Yes I aquired most of the birds that flew the RECORD at 2737 feet and they are breeding so prolific now in my loft! and now I can sell some of them .

See the history below and check out the VIESHIAN Facebook Page for more info.:

  >    ( Copy and Paste this link)


Watch VIDEOS in YouTUBE :    ( Record Flight at 2737 Feet )

***There are more videos from Albert Wells in his YOUTUBE Video, and you will see how this birds run around and Fly with the Bald Eagles and many more......


Story of Vieshian (Copied from Vieshian Facebook Homepage )

The vieshians are the results of over 8 years (and still evolving) of work by Robert Lockwood of Colorado. He blended five or six breeds together to create a flying machine like no other. Robert has kept the breeds he used to create the vieshians a secret but he has left clues in the name of the breed and in their actual performance.

The name "vieshian" is an anagram. He used parts of the names of the 5-6 breeds to create the name "vieshian". I can make an educated guess at three or four of the breeds used, based on appearance and performance. I'd rather not guess at the breeds publicly, as Mr. Lockwood still prefers to keep it to himself but I would love to hear other peoples' thoughts on the breeds they think may make up the vieshians.

As far as performance goes, they are some of the most athletic birds I've ever seen. Their list of performance traits is long. I generally refer to them as highflyers. While its true that they fly high (mine have flown beyond sight many times), that is only a small part of their abilities. They will dive as an entire kit. These aren't the type of dives that true divers, such as dewlaps, do. With vieshians, the entire kit will do short dives of 100' or so during flight. Often, the kit will twist during these dives, making them appear to be caught in a small tornado. Additionally, the vieshians do "barrel rolls" also called axle rolls. This is a rare characteristic in the pigeon world and leads to me guessing one of the breeds that went into their creation. These axle rolls are most common on windy days as the kit flies into the wind. The roll happens very fast and is easy to miss. Sometimes your only clue is when a bird appears to shoot out the side of the kit or drop out the bottom of the kit. And their typical flight is full of sharp turns and zig-zags. They almost seem allergic to flying in a straight line. Its a very active and thrilling sight.

The vieshians are incredible to watch on windy days. I've flown them in 45mph wind but they are capable of much more. High wind tends to keep the kit lower but it increases their speed and the frequency of their sharp turns.

In my opinion the ideal day for flying vieshians is when the temperature is 45F or lower. A light breeze of 10mph is perfect and during the fall and winter months a climbing barometer might be beneficial but I'm not positive about that. My kit can climb to 1000' in a matter of one minute but I have seen them go much higher on a regular basis. They remain at this initial height for 20-30 minutes, then they drop to 400-600', which is where they spend the majority of their airtime.

Flight times can range from 45 minutes to 4 hours, depending on how I feed them.

One of the more controversial aspects of pigeon flying occurs when someone claims to have birds that are "hawk proof" or "evasive". I won't make any wild claims. I will only say, I have flown almost every day, year-round for a few seasons. My yard is full of trees and hawks are extremely common. I have seen dozens and dozens of serious chases and I have seen twice that many times when a hawk shows up and surrenders without trying very hard. In all these occurrences I had one very young bird caught and another slightly older bird lost some feathers from its rump during a chase. I haven't had a hawk get close to them after the the first molt (usually 5-6 months old by that time). A few times hawks have attacked while the birds were on the loft getting ready to trap. Those were the closest calls.

As far as falcons go, I don't have a falcon problem, so I don't know how the vieshians would do against them but I'm sure a falcon would be more successful than a hawk. I saw a couple of very high altitude chases that I suspect were falcons but I can't be positive. Regardless, no birds were caught.

All in all, the vieshians are an amazing breed but I have to admit, I had trouble getting the first round in the air and ultimately failed with them. I made some adjustments and have had success since that first round of the first year. If the vieshians have a fault, I guess it would be their sensitivity to feed. Very small changes have had disastrous effects for me. This could be strictly my fault. Others may not notice any such problem.

At this point I only know of 4 people who Robert has sent vieshians to (or will have very soon). Reviews are still mixed. We will see in the coming year how everyone does. I would love to see more people raising vieshians but for the time being, I think we are all trying to build our own kits first, before we can consider parting with any. 

My OWN experinece so far :

* I have flown 2 of the original bird from Albert Wells, 2 weeks after I got them and they settled well . This are the exact birds that flew 2737 feet. They flew so high and I can't believe my eyes.

* I have a strong 20 ( plus 10 weaning)  bird kit up in the air now!!, and they fly exactly as the birds in all those videos.

* They are DEFINITELY fed and managed different than Racing Pigeon, and it is so easy , no ROAD training! and consume less feed than Racing Pigeon!!! Lol


Get Ready for the 2018 Breeding Season!! or you can start now!!...This is an excellent way of building that 2018 Flying Team.

This will be probably my last listing of VIESHIANS for his year. I am not breeding again until around Spring . So grab them now while its here!!

 Why sell the 2016 BREEDERS you just acquired??

** I have a small loft and still have a lot of Racing Pigeons. I have enough Vieshians now to play with and I can move some of the prisoners.






Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
jseton $300.00 1 11/15/2017 08:10 PM

Bid on this item

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