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Auction Time: April 25, 2024 / 04:25 PM PDT
Auction 63589
ADL LUCKY 11 AUCTION - Protege 164/11 - Inbred Koopman - PROVEN BREEDER Bred 2012 Hall of Fame Ace
Auction #63589




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Currently: $1,401.00   First bid: $1.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $200.00
    # of Bids: 4
Seller (rating): Laura (9)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 01/07/2018 / 07:27 PM PDT  
Auction End: 01/14/2018 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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ADL LUCKY 11 AUCTION - Protege 164/11 - Inbred Koopman - PROVEN BREEDER Bred 2012 Hall of Fame Ace


Protege 164/11 "Charley's Amoré". -Blue Check - HEN

Bred 2012 Hall of Fame Ace, grandmother to many winners.

Beautiful small to medium sized hen with a super eye, inbred to GOLDEN LADY! (BE 6286060/96)

ADL has bred stock out of this hen, to build a family around the legend GOLDEN LADY, Mother of KLEINE DIRK of Gerard Koopman and great grandmother to HARRY of Jan Hooymans.


Linebred to "Kleine Dirk" & his full sister "Yi Min"

Inbred to the legendary "GOLDEN LADY" who made Gerard Koopman & Jan Hooymans pigeons famous.

Two full brothers of today's "Golden Lady" are the basic pigeons to Jan and Rik Hermans.
Another sister is 'Yzra' , one of the pigeons of the loft to Peter Veenstra and the mother of "Blue Special" .

"Gentil" and "Golden Lady" parents to o.a.

*** "Kleine Dirk" is himself the father of the hen "Dirkje" bought by Jan Hooymans, "Dirkje" is mother to "Harry" of Jan Hooymans, 
1. Price Blois against 37,728 T bn. 
and 1st price Chateauroux against 22,340 T bn .
The descendants of 'Kleine Dirk' seem to do extremely well by many fanciers. The best Dutch pigeon of 2009, 
A grandchild of "Amoré", whos dam "Yi Min" is full sister to "Kleine Dirk", was also the best Dutch racer in 2008, 
which was 'Solange' from Verkerk.

*** "Annalise" - She won a/o 1. Chimay (345 km) against 15,438 birds, 2. Troyes (530 km) against 13,137 birds; 2. 
Chimay against 10,000 birds; 5. Hasselt (225 km) against 4,052 birds; 8. Hasselt against 2,668 birds.

*** "Annalise" is mother to "Magic Man" 1. Nat. Le Mans North - 15,252 b. 1. Nat. acebird & Olympiad bird

*** "Judy" She is mother to the Olympiad bird Lievin 2003 ‘Ermerveens Hope’.

*** ‘Yi Min’ She won a/o 5. Hasselt against 2,668 birds and 16. Boxtel against 3,966 birds. 
She is mother to the amazing ‘Amoré’. ‘Yi Min’ as well as ‘Judy’ only had a very short racing career as Gerard knew with them he had something very special on his lofts.

Bidding starts at $1.00 and no reserves..., great risk to ADL but we believe the bidders should set the value, not pedigrees or fancy marketing.... it comes down to you the breeder to set the value....we believe to be the fairest for all.



Jim Gabler, ADL


Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
Stephanie $1,201.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 01/14/2018 05:55 PM

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