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Auction Time: April 23, 2024 / 11:13 PM PDT
Auction 65569
Tony Loft Special, 5774 Inbred to Clausing 410
Auction #65569




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Currently: $120.00   First bid: $80.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 3
Seller (rating): snubird (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 08/06/2018 / 09:37 PM PDT  
Auction End: 08/12/2018 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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Inbred to Clausing 410


Inbred to Clausing 410 


Sire is G/son of Clausing 410

Dam is Double G/Daughter of 410 

More on the incredible 410 cock
410, the super breeding cock listed above is so incredibly significant he deserves more credits. 410 is a world famous breeder that is a 2000 hatch. He was a successful racer, one of only 7 day birds in the San Diego Holiday Cup in California, and the only bird clocked in on the long end on the day. The long end was at a vast disadvantage as short end birds were clocked at dusk, long ender 410 had to keep going to clock into the dark. David was not real impressed yet, until he bred him in 2001. His first couple of babies were sent out for the South Africa Million Dollar, world class event. The final in February of 2002 saw only four day birds, all after dark, all after 13+ hours on the wing, and a 410 daughter named, “Valentin” was 3rd place and a $75,000.00 winner for the Clausing family. The nest brother to Valentin scored 36th the next a.m. against 1,653 birds. These birds kept on coming when others did not have the heart or stamina to continue on to home. These were the only two 410 babies David sent there that year.

The next year, 2003 David sent two more birds to the South Africa Million Dollar Race and won first place with one of them off a full sister to 410, 248-2000. That bird, 300-2002 was named by the race committee, Never Say Die. She won over $200,000.00 against 1,676 birds, by over a minute ahead. In 2004 410 and another hen, 163-2002, bred 24th (David had five birds in the money and all the other prize winners were all related). (The 26th prize winner was from a son of 410). In 2005 there were only 24 day birds out of the 2,642 birds going to the final race. That year David sent only two from 410, and from yet a different hen again, 186-2003. These two were his first and second birds home with the first one, “Heidi” scoring 4th overall and winning $56,840.00. In 2006 in the Million Dollar Race his first two birds were again from 410 and yet another new hen, #6091951-2002. These are phenomenal performances and unequaled consistencies by any one in the world.

David also notices several other special things about 410. 410 has great feather and he’s a very intelligent bird around the loft. His children generally inherit these traits. In breeding from five of 410/300’s young, three hit with race winners, with different mates. A new family of Clausings is developing here.

Call or Text 804 931 8140 

Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
HICKORY $110.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 08/12/2018 12:25 PM

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