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Auction Time: April 26, 2024 / 04:01 AM PDT
Auction 66672
AU-17-TONYLOFT-5372 Inbred to Bliksem
Auction #66672




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Currently: $230.00   First bid: $80.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 3
Seller (rating): snubird (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 11/07/2018 / 10:39 AM PDT  
Auction End: 11/11/2018 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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AU-17-TONYLOFT-5372 Inbred to Bliksem


Inbred to Bliksem
Sire is G/son of Bliksem
Dam is G/daughter of Bliksem

B-98-3158062 Bliksem
Gaby Vandenabeele
“Bliksem” is winner of
1. prov. Poitiers - 1,448 birds
2. prov. Chateauroux - 4,662 birds
4. prov. Ruffec - 1,778 birds
5. prov. Perigueux - 1,119 birds
8. prov. Poitiers - 2,975 birds
5. Chartres - 668 birds
Sire to ´Rudy´
4. Argenton  407 birds
8. Tours  162 birds
18. Argenton  2,401 birds
19. Bourges  1,279 birds
28. Argenton  5,134 birds
76. Tours 2,791 birds
Rudy is sire “Super Romeo”
1. Nat. ace bird long distance yearlings 2013
4. Nat. Zone Tulle  2,209 birds
35. Nat. - 6,972 birds
3. Fontenay  306 birds
3. Clermont  131 birds
8. prov. Brive 6,842 birds
18. - Nat. 6,842 birds)
8. Bourges  209 birds / 51. prov. 1,661 birds
9. Argenton  295 birds
A direct son to Bliksem is father to Hollands greatest sensation of 2009, Harry
1. Nat. acebird long distance WHZB 2009
1. NPO Blois - 5,553 birds
fastest from 37,728 birds
1. NPO Chateauroux - 5,979 birds
fastest from 22,340 birds
3. NPO Chateaudun - 8,781 birds
3. fastest from 21,520 birds
Full brothers & sisters to Harry are a/o winners
1. NPO Chateauroux 5,620 birds
2. NPO Salbris - 7,599 birds
2. NPO Blois - 4,829 birds
3. NPO Blois - 7,417 birds
4. NPO Chateauroux - 4,801 birds
5. NPO Chateauroux - 5,979 birds
6. NPO Offenburg - 7,151 birds
10. NPO Chateauroux - 5,979 birds
10. NPO Chateauroux 5,620 birds
In 2010 Paola (g..daughter Bliksem) excelled for Gaby Vandenabeele, winning him:
1. Nat. Argenton yearlings - 7,390 birds in 2010
Bliksem is breeder of Bliksem CEO sire
1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 735 birds
1. prov. Argenton 687 birds
´Bliksem CEO´ is grandsire to
1. Nat. Zone Poitiers  2,688 birds
1. FCD Bourges 1,896 bird
1. prov. Gueret 418 birds
Bliksem is grandsire to Barnaby
1. prov. Bourges yearlings
2. Nat. Bourges yearlings - 22,499 birds
3. prov. Argenton old - 3,387 bird
3. prov. Argenton yearlings - 5,251 birds
Bliksem is grandfather to Yvan
1. Nat. acebird great middle distance
4. Nat. acebird great middle distance 2008
Bliksem is grandsire to Marieke
1. prov. acebird long distance (young) KBDB
1. Nat. Gueret Zone - 5,166 birds
Bliksem offspring won furthermore
1. Nat. Brive - 10,082 birds 2011
1. Nat. Bourges yearl.  16,442 birds 2012
1. Nat. Bourges yearl.  13,570 birds 2013 fastest from 33,229 birds


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Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
manbird154 $220.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 11/11/2018 05:03 PM

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