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Auction Time: February 09, 2025 / 10:25 AM PDT
Auction 28402
Auction #28402
Young Bird/s




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Currently: $255.00   First bid: $250.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $5.00
    # of Bids: 1
Seller (rating): wrixey (13)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 08/24/2009 / 10:23 AM PDT  
Auction End: 08/30/2009 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $45.00


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IF 11625 FOYS 2009 Blue check pied not sure on sex to young to tell. From TWO SURE BET grand children..

11625 is a great bodied hand full just ready to ship down from two of Mike Ganus bred SURE BET birds. Both flew in one loft Races and one won the 350 for Peter Fox. SIRE: "VEGAS BETTS" GB 02095 2007 Blue Bar white flight cock bred by Mike Ganus for Peter Fox and flown to the 400 in the SUNSHINE STATE race winning equal 1st in the 350 mile race and placeing well in the overall. He is a big longer cast cock that is the king of the loft.. He is SURE BET X ECLIPSE and DE KANNIBAAL with BLAWKE. Click under 11625's picture to see ped. DAM: "JOEP'S QUEEN BETTS" GFL 86 2006 Blue check wht flt hen. One of the nices hens I have and producing several youngsters for others that have been their top birds. I have young out from her this year and will be able to brag or not on her breeding abilities after this season. She flew for Mike Ganus but I have no information on her standings. One really nice hen.. Out of SNOW QUEEN and JOEP. Golden Mattens and Hercules family with SURE BET the other side.. Full ped plus parents ped will come with the bird..

Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
shadowtorc $250.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 08/30/2009 05:55 PM

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